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Final Descent Sessions are a series of live-recorded video sessions featuring Denmark-based musicians, primarily but not exclusively artists from Final Descent's concert program.

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Final Descent Sessions

#1 Henrik Pultz Melbye – Drømmen

#2 Henrik Pultz Melbye – Stranden

#3 Mizgin – Hesen

#4 Mizgin – Delale

#1 Henrik Pultz Melbye - Drømmen
Live at Brønshøj Vandtårn

In this first edition of Final Descent Sessions, we delve into the incredible resonance of Brønshøj Water Tower with Henrik Pultz Melbye. Performing his hypnotic piece Drømmen, Melbye moves through the old water tower, harnessing its acoustics to create a spectrum of vibrant overtones with his unamplified saxophone.

#2 Henrik Pultz Melbye - Stranden
Live at Brønshøj Vandtårn

On his new solo album, Drømmene (The Dreams), Henrik Pultz Melbye explores different places where dreams unfold, the emotions they evoke in us, and what they remind us of.  “Stranden” is a heavy, noisy piece built around a distorted saxophone loop, topped with a longing, haunting electronic wind instrument. Crushingly heavy yet fragile at the same time.

#3 Mizgin - Hesen
Live at Dansepavillonen, KLEIN

we visited the cozy dance pavilion from the 1890s at KLEIN in Copenhagen's South Harbour neighborhood with Mizgin and her trio. Here, we recorded two live sessions, utilizing nothing but the incredible acoustics of the old wooden pavilion, the natural light, and the wonderful sounds of Mizgin and her band. In this first video, we capture a performance of the Kurdish traditional piece "Hesen" as the late summer sun sets outside the 130-year-old building. 

#4 Mizgin - Delale
Live at Dansepavillonen, KLEIN

we visited the cozy dance pavilion from the 1890s at KLEIN in Copenhagen's South Harbour neighborhood with Mizgin and her trio. Here, we recorded two live sessions, utilizing nothing but the incredible acoustics of the old wooden pavilion, the natural light, and the wonderful sounds of Mizgin and her band. In this second video, the sun had set, and the tempo went up with a high-energy, danceable version of the tune 'Delale.'

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